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We work for just one interest. Yours.

We have just one focus. Your wealth’s wellness.

We are Brightview, a Toronto-based wealth management company known for holistic wealth management and financial planning solutions that are unbiased, diversified and independent. Brightview. We brighten up and secure your future with our wealth management solutions.



Wealth management support that begins with your goals, your expectations

Individual, family,business or organization; wealth building is a major life goal for one and all.

However, wealthbuilding is never a ‘one size fits all’ solution for the simple reason that notwo individuals or families or organizations are ever alike. You need wealthmanagement support that works as per your circumstances and life plans.

That’s exactly what wedo as wealth management specialists.

We begin by puttingourselves in your place. We first understand your circumstances, yourperspective, your life goals. And only then do we put in place a wealthmanagement plan that works at meeting your expectations. We look at yourfinancial health holistically and find the best avenues for steady growth withoptimized risk. Our unbiased, independent and diversified solutions enableholistic wealth management customized to meet your short term and long termlife goals.

Brightview. Professional wealth management solutions intandem with your life plans.




Brightview is a team of passionate, engaging and experiencedwealth management professionals.  As financespecialists, each one of us has honed skills and gained experience in largebanks, leading insurance companies and noted investment institutions.

However, we left our high paying jobs to establishBrightview for a simple reason: we had a collective vision of creating a wealthmanagement company that offered truly independent and unbiased services.

We now combine our individual areas of expertise to actualizeour vision of holistic wealth management. As a coherent and prudent team, we bringour clients wealth management solutions that work in their favour, fit intotheir life plans, and grow with their changing needs.

Last but not the least; we respect our clients andwant our associations with them to last for decades and decades.



?         Holistic – Like health, your wealth tooneeds holistic nurturance. We create wealth management plans with a 360oview of your life.

?         Independent – No bias, no personal interest, no duplicity, no compromises - oursolutions are independent, honest and upfront.

?        Diversification – We never put all your eggs in one basket. Diversification reducesrisk and brings stability to returns.

?        Fiduciary – We valueyour trust in us. As our association grows, we work to increment that trust.

?        Respect – We haveimmense respect for you and your hard earned money. 

?        Confidentiality – Your details are safe with us. There will never be a breach of yourconfidentiality.



?  Cashflow management

?  Retirement planning

?  Tax consultation

BusinessContinuation Planning

?  Shareholder benefits

?  Buy-sell agreement

?  Business succession

Retirementand Estate Planning

?  Individual retirement strategy

?  Corporate investment strategy

?  Planned giving


?  Diversified asset classes

?  Customized portfolio

?  Tactical rebalancing


?  Trust and estate services

?  Discretionary investment

?  Global asset allocation


?  Shareholders/Employees benefits

?  Personal liability coverage

?  General insurance



Earning money today isgood but putting that money where it grows into serious wealth tomorrow is evenbetter. Think of your money as seeds that have the potential to grow intomultiple harvest yielding trees when nurtured patiently and cultivated correctly.

This is preciselywhere our professional expertise lies.

As an ethical andprofessional wealth management company, we help you create wealth from yoursavings and investments.

The Brightview wealthmanagement is built on four pillars: Profiling & Strategy, Plan &Tactics, Execution & Implementation, Review & Adjustment.

Profiling& Strategy

We create a profile and build a strategy: We work with you to zero in on your key goals. Based on what we discover,we derive a strategic set of preferences aligned to fulfil your goals. Gettingthe right strategy in place helps you maximize gain and minimize loss in thelong run.

Plan &Tactics

We design a plan and determine tactics: At the same time, we design the right tactics through figuring outwhere you are now, where you want to be, and how to fill the gap in between.

Execution& Implementation

We execute the plan: Implementationand execution are doing the right thing at the right time. It takes discipline,focus and a constant attention to goals to ensure that strategies and tactics arecarried out as per the plan. 

Review &Adjustment

We review and fine-tune periodically: Lastly and most importantly, we know that review and adjustment arethe key to sticking to the best path for growth. That’s why; we review yourportfolio from time to time and update it as per your changing requirements.



We are ateam of seasoned wealth management professionals. Our skills have been honedand our experiences have been gained working in banks, insurance companies andinvestment institutions. We share a collective vision and pool in ourexperiences to focus on your wealth management needs.


To ensure best match between financial productsand your needs, we handpick our partners - carriers, issuers, and dealers - andwork closely with them.

Portfolio Management via CapitalManagement Inc.
Mutual Funds via 3i Investments.
Insurance via Brightview FinancialServices Inc.
Tax and Accounting Services via EliteAccounting & Tax Services Inc.
General Insurance via All-RiskInsurance Brokers Ltd.



Come, dropby and visit us anytime during office hours on weekdays.
Or, drop us a line any time, and we shall happily respond at the earliest.


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